
Nanjing Janus New- Materials Co., Ltd.

Contact: 18020112633 (Ms. Wang)


Tel: 025-83585108

Fax: 025-83172243

Address: Nanjing Xianlin University City Science and Technology Park, Yuanhua Road, Xianlin University, Qixia District, Nanjing

Website: m.fhztl.com

Bank:  Bank of China, Jiangsu Branch Office

Account number:  474161398545
JNS quantum dot
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The new generation of composite Q-quantum dot powders successfully developed by our company, which consists of two major categories: water-soluble quantum dot powders and water-insoluble quantum dot powders.

The composite Q-quantum dot powder has the following main advantages:

(1) The fluorescence emission wavelength is continuously adjustable in the range of 520~620 nm, and the customized production of a certain wavelength can be carried out according to the specific requirements of customers.

(2) Compared with the traditional pure quantum dot powder, the new generation of composite Q-quantum dot powder has higher fluorescence thermal stability.

(3) Compared with the traditional carbon quantum dot powder, its fluorescence stability and chemical stability are higher.

(4) The composite Q-quantum dot powder has a wide range of applications, such as LED lighting equipment, display backlights and biomedical imaging.




Product specifications



                                                               Application of LED

                                                           Application of screen printing for patterning



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