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   Nanjing Jinnaisi New Material Co., Ltd. is located in Nanjing Xianlin University City Science and Technology Park.

 It is specialized in the production, research and development and application of functional advanced materials,

 LED optoelectronic devices, special scientific instruments, and quantum dot fluorescent organisms. The research and development of kits provides high-tech enterprises that provide technical consultation and transformation of photoelectric materials and functional biomaterials. The company is committed to the world's leading scientific research, focusing on high-performance quantum dot fluorescent materials, biological kits, photonic crystals, functional polymers and additives, catalysts, LED phosphors, devices, lamps and their auxiliary materials, And the production and research and development of scientific research equipment.

上蔡县| 象州县| 泰州市| 凌云县| 威海市| 灵石县| 墨竹工卡县| 衢州市| 海阳市| 辽源市| 屯留县| 宝山区| 锡林浩特市| 桃源县| 武乡县| 玛多县| 万宁市| 化隆| 连江县| 白沙| 神农架林区| 巫溪县| 南汇区| 辽宁省| 延津县| 类乌齐县| 晋江市| 景洪市| 基隆市| 靖安县| 高安市| 金寨县| 巩义市| 如皋市| 襄樊市| 安义县| 宽城| 惠来县| 南和县| 涪陵区| 比如县|